Blog Question: Does Congress deserve the bad rap it gets in the movies?
NOTE: This blog is Beth's addition from last week's events which precluded her from posting.
Dr. Meiers said in class that he would prefer to have 200 random people picked from the phonebook than the members of Congress we have now. I believe that’s an excellent idea. Politicians lose touch with the citizens of this country upon the election into office, particularly into the Congress. Any sense of working for the good of the citizens is depleted upon entering the game of politics.
For example, my most recent infuriation, in a recent story from the Kansas City Star on Feb. 21st about Gov. Kathleen Sebelius as possible secretary of health and human services, Kansas City’s “beloved” mayor, Emmanuel Cleaver is quoted saying “We’re just not going to be able to go there (referring to health care.) We have no money.” Are you kidding me? No money? Cleaver may have once done wonderful things for Kansas City, but I’m officially over him. No money? And you just spent billions of dollars on multiple corporate bailouts to line the pockets of CEOs again. You can’t find ANY money, to assist the million of people in the United States with out health care. And he calls himself a democrat, he should be ashamed.
Now that I’m off that soapbox, politics is a game that only snakes and skunks can play the best. And Congress is the forest harboring the worst kinds of vermin in this country. A person with good intentions and strong morals will never make it in politics, not ever. Even if you begin as a hard working, good willed American citizen looking to make a difference, the key to making it in politics is learning how to play the game. Once you’re in the game, it consumes you so completely, that you lose the simple, functioning ideals you came in with, and come out with a self serving ambition that can take you right to the top. The drive to please constituents, to make the money needed for re-election (and line their own pockets,) to take trips and have fancy dinners on tax dollars, and to pocket the right people to help you get what you want is what drives Congressmen to do what they do. But maybe, just maybe, if you took 200 random people, with no agenda, just coming with their experiences with the frustrations of middle and lower classes, Congress could finally get something accomplished.
Simply, Congress deserves every bit of the bad rap they get. Exploit the hell out of them, uncover all of their dirty little secrets and print them in your biased Medias for the world to see. I’ll eat up every word you tell me, because even if what you say isn’t true, deep down I know it’s probably that bad… or worse.
Beth Goin
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