The remaking of Red Dawn would be much different in a Post 9-11 world because since that time as well as the 1980’s major upgrades have been done to the U.S. military and with Homeland Security in place almost impossible. There are no longer nations who are anti- America with a major superpower backing them. An operation like that from a formal nation would not be possible since the U.S. is the only hyper-power in the world. In a post 9-11 world the most obvious enemy would be Islamic fundamentalists but they do not have the capacity to knock out major cities in one swift move or the adequate forces to suppress an uprising. The technology is not there nor the manpower. The United States is known as a hyper power for a reason and that is because no single nation can fight us on so many fronts. The advances in Homeland Security, cyber technology and reining military might would give no one nation even the ability to carry out that type of mission. The fundamentalists might be able to offer a blow or two but not cripple the nation on a financial, military and sustainable invasion, the United States as well believes in citizens owning their own guns, that would make invasion almost twice as tough. The invasion would take resources currently no nation has. The bullying of many nations against the United States would be the only way such a move would be applicable. The teaming up against the United States would not occur or be allowed by the majority of nations. The only way this could occur would be perfect precision from different cells working together and having the financial backing of Saudi Arabia or another wealthy nation. The remake of Red Dawn would need to have many nations or organizations who do not do anything together working as one for one goal. No such goal exists between so many nations and many benefit from American society in one way or another. Greed is everywhere.
Robert Foster