If you hadn’t noticed already, I loathe all politicians. So it would be logical that although many Americans adore them, I consider the Kennedy’s to be no different. That being said I have to be honest that I know little to nothing regarding JFK’s time as president, being that I was not alive then and I don’t take much interest in history. I know that something JFK did must be shady because, let’s be honest, he got shot. Other than that my basis of information comes from Dr. Meiers brief summary before the movie. While I was watching Thirteen Days it occurred to me that Dr. Meiers has given these brief summations before movies the last few movies we’ve watched. And most of the time they show the ugly side of the topic of the movie. For example, Kennedy’s Operation Mongoose prior to the Cuban Missile Crisis. Dr. Meiers informed us about a series of terrible happenings the United States inflicted including rapes, burnings, murders and more. Interested and curious about the information given to us, I decided to do some of my own research on Operation Mongoose, as Dr. Meiers would tell us never to get all of our information from one source. I could not find one article discussing those types events taking place during Operation Mongoose. I want to be clear that I am not arguing the fact that these proceedings took place, but why would Dr. Meiers give us information that we would be unable to back up with an alternate source. In addition, why would he give us such controversial information before we watch a movie, so the whole time I’m watching, his synopsis of the events or people prior are fresh in my head resulting in my interpretation of the movie closely relating to the information given to me by Dr. Meiers. Maybe it’s a test. Maybe he’s looking to see if we gobble up and spit it back out, just like good little college kids. He could be checking to see if we form opinions of our own. Then another thought occurred to me. Is it possible that Dr. Meiers is a planning a political mutiny? And maybe he’s planting the seeds of revolt in the young, pliable minds of innocent college students to create an “army” when the time comes to enact a revolution? Doesn’t Dr. Meiers have a “following” of poli-sci students that take all his classes? Ok, so there’s probably no rebellion in the making. But it does remind me of an important point to remember. Use trusted sources and don’t get all your information from on place. Think for yourself and form your own opinions. Never trust a label- even PhD’s can have slanted ideas. What Dr. Meiers says makes sense. And as far as the Kennedy’s are concerned- politicians are snakes, especially those that make it to the presidency. Nothing surprises me, don’t believe what you see in the movies.
Beth Goin
Beth - The information I provided on "Operation Mongoose" is obtained by reading books, not by doing quick searches on Google. Read "On the Brink: Americans and Soviets Reexamine the Cuban Missile Crisis" by James G. Blight and David A. Welch, published in 1989. It has over 400 pages of information on the Cuban Missile Crisis. There are scores more books on the subject as well.