I believe that the global warming and overpopulation issue in the movie was the only similarities I could really see. Now the world and even New York doesn’t have people sleeping in the stairwells but I am sure many places such as Calcutta, cities in China and Mexico City do. The warming of the planet is another connection with the movie; the constant heat shown in the movie while many details were left out was a frightening outcome. My generation has lived their lives with the threat of global warming we do not have the nuclear war that was prevalent in the last 40 years of the 20th century but this threat is a much tougher problem. We need to figure out an answer and Soylent Green showed what could happen. While I seriously doubt a company could figure out a way to turn dead people into food because we can’t even figure out that too much greed is bad for everyone. I cannot see America turning into well the Soviet Union anytime soon. The separate classes shown in the movie resembled the how that communist system was set-up. While it was a scary movie the comparisons fall very short to anything that resembles the world today. The world has changed, until recently it was a brighter world with a lot of the dystopian ideas all seeming to not be as relevant or possible. The world has changed so much from the time period this film tries to get across the Soviet Union has broken and many of the flaws seen in society have been fixed or just passed over. The culture war has changed, the worry about nuclear war is less of a worry and our attitudes toward many things in society have little in common with causes that people believed would destroy the world or society. The global warming theme is incredible accurate though and has past true to the test of time.
Robert Foster