The legacy of many of these characters extends far beyond the princess, and I believe it sells them short if taken in the context of only a princess who was in the tabloids all the time and did a lot of charity work. Tony Blair brought England back in relevance something that England was struggling with at the turn of the decade after the Thatcher revolution and loss of their empire. He brought about change needed from technology to education while he did create a camera society in England and what many consider a nanny state. The man did much to bring England back into relevance and aligned himself with Bush and over saw a great economic boom throughout all of England. While I did not know until the movie that he was in power after princess Diana died I cannot say I even remember the event. I was only in the grade school, so it was interesting to see the way he handled it because Tony Blair is the man who fought along side us in Iraq. Queen Elizabeth saw the victory after beating the Germans in World War II and saw the commonwealth restructure along more republican lines. Both of these persons have done so much for the world and their own nations that I believe the princess’ funeral was nothing more then a blip on their screen. I might not grasp the magnitude of her death failing to remember it or her but in comparison with everything else they have done it would be surprising. Princess Diana was known for her charity work with Africa and many other diseases at a time when it was considered unsafe but was hunted my the paparazzi and played to them at times. She was a humanitarian and helped many causes out. Prince Charles look like just how I have always perceived him as a bit weak and another side dangerously arrogant. He looks like a man who wants what he wants; having a mistress for example and being scared when he is actually asked what he wants. The movie might have made him look weaker then he actually is and sure it was a difficult time for everybody but he just seemed sleazy. The man has always seemed like he is portrayed in the movie although I hope he does have more backbone then was given throughout the movie. I believe the movie was fair to all except Prince Charles who clearly got the brunt of a lot of the negative portrayals. I feel that during that time Tony Blair would have been seen as that favorable and the royals foolish.
Robert Foster
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