Question #1
It is a not so flattering portrayal of the intelligence community, it seems that while terrorists are trying to kill Americans these agents spy on their wives and try to get there sad lives back together. The movie was more up to date then three days of condor and is more accurate. The only thing I believe to be true was the fact Arnold got mad when he asked for an illegal wiretap and his buddy reminded him it was against the law and he said they are doing thousands a day. I completely believe that all the patriot act and 9/11 did was give these agencies legitimacy for activities they had been doing for years. This was exposed to be a spoof on the CIA and movies that deal with this type of material while they did try to be more serious about the subject matter and it showed from time to time it was exposed to entertain not inform. These “agents” worried more about bad leads and troubled marriages then anything else.
Question #2
Absolutely, Americans should worry and worry a lot because it is only a matter of time. It is simply Moore’s law applied to nuclear technology while Moore’s law states over a certain time frame that technological power will double and the price will decrease, as technology comes easier the threat rises. The doomsday clock and the scientists predicated this after the Soviet Union fell, unstable governments with nuclear weapons, a growing black market and growing number of well funded groups will gain access and materials to make their own weapon. With technology now being understood by younger people, viruses being created by kids in high school it is only a matter of time before a group that does not act reasonable or rational will release destruction on America. We are the perfect target because we are the freest nation ever to be on earth, we have the best economy, best system of government and a common belief that ties us together and pulls us forward, the American Dream. With technology such as a nuclear weapon out in the world it is only a matter of time before the worst thing imaginable happens and a way of life is erased from the face of the earth. It will not matter if it is in the Florida Keys or New York fear will destroy this nation and cease the way we live today
Question #3
The way Arabs/Muslims are depicted in the movie and in the book is not positive at all we believe that they cling to religion, something we don’t understand by its nature because it seems alien and old fashioned. We forget that these people were once the peak of human understanding they were the great mathematicians, the great alchemists, the great warriors. Europeans imported numbers from them, they rediscovered Plato and other ancient world thinkers. Europeans ran in utter fear when they saw the Islamic armies marching toward Europe. Americans do not remember all this because it happened on another continent in a time long before our own. Armies of Islam ruled from Spain to the Pacific Ocean while not under one crown, they have a rich heritage and are a powerful people. The people from those lands have been rising empire after empire and they will continue to do so. In most movies they are shown to be weak with only religion being their own knowledge, this idea needs to change or we will underestimate people we should not ever underestimate.
Robert Foster
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