As kitschy, ridiculous and dated as the film Red Dawn is, the point of the film does not get lost through bad haircuts and Soviet fears. The very real fear of waking up one day and having everything around you reversed, is a fear that has been with mankind ever since two rival societies decided to vilify each other, an attribute of humanity that I believe has been with us for thousands of years. Because a quality of mankind is to distrust others, and to allow our imaginations to take us to the worst possible conclusions, I don’t think that remaking Red Dawn in a post 9/11 world would be too difficult.
What I would do to remake the film is to have a series of dirty bombs detonate in major U.S. cities, causing extreme panic and governmental breakdown. In the aftermath of this, the Chinese, Saudi Arabia and Iran, would invade the United States from the coasts. The U.S. government would have to operate from Chicago, as the survivors would reside in the Midwestern United States from Utah to Ohio. For the remake of Red Dawn, most of the battle scenes could remain similar, hell we could even keep the corny haircuts, as most of the people in the Midwest haven’t really changed in the last 20+ years, we just have “the google” now, and our fears have been shifted from Soviets to “Islamofascists”.
It would be really easy to pray off the fears of Americans and remake this movie from a “post 9/11” stand. The only thing that has changed since the 1980s is that the systems of media have become even better at inspiring a complete and total fear in the hearts of the masses. So by playing off these fears, and our given absolute trust/”attempt at contempt with ‘mainstream’ media” we can create a world within Red Dawn that realistically appeals to people fears. The biggest effort of the new Red Dawn would be to avoid turning the film into a hate-piece against Islam, as most Americans already have a distrust of Islam and this movie, in the “post 9/11 world” would serve to that distrust. However, if we were to involve the original production crew, they probably wouldn’t give two shits about how Islam is portrayed, and would do whatever it takes to get the most tickets sold.
The way to sell the most tickets would be to do what the original film did, to rely upon the story as an über-nationalistic mouthpiece, talk about “courage”, and show that the Americans who courageously thought with their gut were able to take back the USA from those goddamned Ruskies, but now we replace Ruskies with “towel-heads”. Divide and conquer, inspire with-us or against-us attitudes and you’ll get your $200 million back in no time.
Jack Gustafson
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